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This webspace addresses multiple goals related to efforts by English Language Arts educators at all levels to address challenges associated with what texts they can and should teach, how, and to whom. Some of the resources presented in bundles (or thematic clusters) here align with materials referenced in the May 2023 special issue of NCTE’s English Journal, which invited “Care-full Curricular Conversations” guided by questions and themes addressed in Toni Morrison’s The Origin of Others. We know that busy teachers will be more likely to access and use resources that are just a click away. So we’ve gathered together references and provided direct links to helpful resources for teachers and students that are referenced in essays in the special issue.​


Beyond the direct contents of the special issue, we also include in this collection several thematic clusters connected to recurring topics that may not have appeared in the May 2023 journal issue but that are closely related in focus.


This website is a snapshot of this current moment in time, 2023, where book bans and increasing attacks on education at large are flooding the news every day.


We would like to thank the TCU English Department for supporting this website and this work.


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